Most of the male poses have a little bit of a bashful vibe. So whether you just have one Sim in your household you’d like to use these on or multiple, you’ll have ample options. You can find a full list of hotkeys in Blender under file then user pref and inputs. This talented creator has a bunch of poses here for both male and female Sims. The main hot keys are A, S, U, X, Shift, R, E, and Space bar to search. Warning Blender is based in hotkeys and you will have to learn many of them to be able to move and work with the objects. Creating your own CC is time consuming and does require these 3 programs but i have fund it to be really fun and exciting to see something that I have created in the game. You will also need to have a program like Adobe photo shop to edit the texture to add color to your item. Blender is used the model the 3D objects you create and Sims 4 Studio is used to take that model and the overlay colors to create the file needed to add into your Sims 4 mod folder in your game. This is really important to remember only use Blender 2.79 or lower when making Sims 4 CC because these are the only versions on the tool that are currently compatible with Sims 4 studio. I thought i would share some of the tips and tricks I have learned over the last couple of months working with Blender 2.79.